Sunday, March 16, 2014

3 Months

I can't believe how long it's been since I last updated. Sorry for the lag time!

Well, our newest member joined the family right before Christmas this past year!
Eden Louise Vruggink was born on Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 9:03 am. She weighed 9lbs, 4oz, and was 22inches long!

Eden was such an easy baby starting with the labor itself! Most of my friends and family know that Eli was a long and difficult labor and delivery. I was in the hospital Thursday night, Friday- day, and Friday night before I FINALLY had Eli at 4am Saturday morning.  Eden, however, was a completely opposite story. I had just been to a doctor appointment on Friday morning to go over post due date testing (I was due Dec. 16) and to fill out my induction paperwork. I was going to be induced on Sunday morning starting at 6am. My doctor asked if I wanted to know how dilated I was but I said no. I just didn't want to hear that I was still at a 1 or 2 like I had been for a month. I figured I was just going to have a similar birthing experience as before and I was trying not to think about that. So I had a MASSIVE last minute chore list for Steve and myself to do on Saturday. I knew we needed at least 2 or 3 loads of laundry done (by this point I was moving so slowly and just surviving my days with Eli and what little energy I could muster), bags needed to be packed (how did I forget these things??), and Eli needed a bath before we shipped him to the in-laws for the next few days. We decided a night in with some takeout Chinese and netflix binging was in order prior to tackling that insane work list I had made. We finally turned in for the night to our respective locations. I got the bed to myself for the last two weeks while Steve kindly took to the couch. I had taken some melatonin for my restless sleep issues and had finally gotten to sleep when 3 am rolled around. All of a sudden I felt like I had wet the bed!! OMG this is sooo embarrassing! I know I have weaker muscle control at this point, but come on!
I rolled out of bed and realized I couldn't control it. I knew right then that this was go time! lol I calmly (clumsily) rolled out of bed, waddled through our kitchen, and quietly called out to Steve so I wouldn't scare him. As he started to wake up I finally said, "Steve, I need you to focus really hard on what I'm about to say and you CANNOT go back to sleep. My water broke and we need your parents to pick Eli up ASAP. I'll let you process this for a second and come get you in a minute." Seriously...who talks like this?! I guess I do when I'm about to freak out but can't let my husband know or chaos will ensue! lol
I quickly hopped into the shower to rinse off and as I did, I noticed the first contractions starting up. My water broke right at 3am, first contractions started at 3:03, and were only 3 minutes apart when we finally got out the door at 3:45 (We had to wait a little until Steve's mom and dad could get Eli. They were here relatively quickly when you think about the fact that we woke them from a dead sleep at 3:15am! lol.)
Most people remember that we had a vicious ice/snow storm that weekend and my doctor told me Friday morning to call him if I went into labor and the roads were bad so he had time to get to the hospital. It's weird enough to call my doctor at home, but it's even more nerve wracking when it's 3:45 am and you're worried you'll get his wife! lol  Thankfully they are both wonderful people and she was sweet as could be and congratulated us in advance and handed the phone to my doctor. :)
When we finally got off the highway (it took forever going only 20mph), it was 5am and my contractions were 1.5-2 minutes apart. I was actually worried I would have Eden on the highway!
Once I was hooked up and they started pushing my fluids as quickly as possible, things only continued to quicken. I was measuring at a 9 before they got me an epidural. They weren't sure I'd make it long enough to get one. (I ensured them that I would keep her in there until I did! lol)
I got my epidural at about 7:30 am and when 9am rolled around, they told me to start pushing! It took one contraction and two pushes to birth my precious baby girl! It was one of the most amazing moments of my life!
We went home the next evening (I can't stand hospital beds; I felt less rested there than I did at home). We spent two nights resting with just Eden at home and enjoyed Christmas eve with Steve's family, and Christmas day with my family. What a blessing it was to have her naturally (minus the epidural right at the end) and to be able to enjoy Christmas with all of our loved ones like we had dreaded missing if I had been induced.
This was truly and experience that was an answer to my silent prayers during my pregnancy. I had fears of what this delivery would be like simply based off of what my experience with Eli had been. God is so good!
Sorry, I tend to get so excited when I recall that whole event. Sometimes I can't help retelling it in great detail! ;)
Now, Eden is 12+ lbs, and 22+ inches long as of her 2 month appointment on 2/24/14. :) She has the prettiest and largest eyes I've ever seen on a baby and her smile is perfect! She is a happy and loving baby. She loves the attention her big brother gives. He loves to dote on her . <3 Eli enjoys showing her off to people who are meeting her for the first time and calls her "my baby."
Eli has been so good with her and enjoys reclaiming his old toys...just to make sure she knows who had them first. ;)

Well, I hope everyone has survived this insane winter! I look forward to Spring and am praying for lots of sunshine!
God Bless,

Thursday, October 3, 2013

7+ Months

It's hard to believe that this pregnancy is already 7+ months along. Chasing Eli around day after day makes it easy to forget just where I am in life half the time! lol
So, for the past couple months we have been enjoying our warm summer by swimming at my parent's house, camping on the beach in Holland, visiting family in other areas of Michigan, swimming in the big lake, and spending many evenings listening/watching the Tigers games. :)
I've been keeping busy with sewing projects for our baby and for Eli's new big boy bed. I'm currently making his comforter! I'm pretty excited about it!
Lately I've been needing more "mommy dates." That is where I get the last hour or so before Eli heads to bed to be by myself or go out for a coffee date with myself and a book/computer/drive around town. It think this is a huge sign of me slowly becoming less energetic as my pregnancy progresses. :-P
I'm so blessed to have a husband who doesn't mind giving me those nights out and asks me when I need them!
Steve has been working hard at Gentex and is enjoying what he does. He is also enjoying his fantasy football league that he joined with some friends from work. :) We are looking forward to our "baby moon" too that is coming up at the beginning of November! We need a long weekend away, just the two of us. South Haven will be a nice retreat location. They have adorable stores, beach fronts, and restaurants.
Well, I'm kinda rambling but I figured I should at least update my blog.

Hope everyone had a great summer as we roll into the Fall season. :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Prego Much?

You know you're pregnant when the thought of Spaghetti-o's once made you want to vomit but now makes you drool in anticipation. Honestly never thought those words would leave my brain in the same sentence. I seriously just downed half a bag of Doritos and a can of Spaghetti-o's. Do I regret it? No. Will I? Probably in a few hours when I have a tummy ache. ;)

When I was pregnant with my first, I never had weird cravings. Sure I didn't like ice-cream as much and I enjoyed salsa and mexican food more than usual, but I never had a staple "must have on hand at all times" food combo. Until now! lol

I'm also thankful that I had almost zero morning sickness this time around. I can recall the few mornings last time when I would be on my way to work and need to pull onto the shoulder of the highway so I could be sick. Not fun. With all these differences between pregnancies, I'm beginning to think I might just be having a girl! :D Purely speculation but it's crazy how different these experiences are.

Anyway, I've started crafting again. I missed it but it can also become somewhat expensive to buy all the supplies to do different projects. I liked having the Spring off and plan to take a break again in the Fall to enjoy the cooler but nice weather before it's freezing and I can't leave the house. Since it is super hot and humid, I've been painting and experimenting with different crafts during Eli's nap or bed time so I can avoid the heat.

I've gone biking with Eli and Steve has also taken him to visit with his parents on Saturday mornings so I have some quiet time to myself. I love the kind gesture and enjoy watching the boys spend time together.

Eli can be quite the little helper if you have the patience to let him and so we've been letting him water the flowers and pull weeds. Usually he ends up throwing rocks in his kiddy pool but we'll get him trained soon enough. ;)

Well, that's about all we've been up to lately. We're enjoying the summer but especially the call warm night walks together. :)
I'm truly blessed!


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Catching up

Sorry it has been so long. I'm not as good at blogging or journal keeping as I would like to be. I feel like in order to write a post, there needs to be something new or exciting happening in my life.

There are a few new things that I will share but mainly I just missed being on here. :)

Many people know via facebook that Steve and I are expecting our second child in mid December and are super excited for the new addition to our family! We are planning to not find out the gender ahead of time and let it be a surprise all the way to the end.

Sorry in advance for this rant but a silly little topic has been on my mind. Someone asked me, "But what will you do for clothing if it's a girl? You don't expect her to wear Eli's old you?" umm... that's not a pointed or awkward question. Are you volunteering your child's old clothing to me? I kindly replied, "we'll do what every mother before 1980 (give or take a few years) did since they weren't given an option of knowing the gender in advance." AWKWARD!  Steve and I will make do with the clothing we have and get her stuff as she needs it.  Really? Is my kids "gender appropriate" clothing going to make or break me as a mom?! My kids will be fed, dressed, clean, happy, and ultimately loved more than life itself. Yes, I'd love to dress a girl (if we are blessed with one) in frilly, beautiful, girly clothing and show her off as the creation our Lord made her to be, but if we are tight on money or haven't had a chance to go to the store the day after she's born, so be it! Boy clothes it is! :)
 We have all the necessities from when Eli was a new born so if this one is a girl, all we will need is clothing for her. I really wouldn't mind putting her in Eli's old stuff when we are home and not planning to go out or have many visitors. With $$ being tight and needing to go further for medical bills, I can't worry about having the newest and cutest things. I'll make sure my little girl (if we have a girl) is dressed like a girl when we are out and about, but seriously, in the grand scheme of things, what's more important? Helping my husband by being financially conscious or making sure she has brand new (or brand new second hand) clothes for every situation? 

Okay, rant done.

On a lighter and less annoyed note, lets talk vacations!

Steve and I were blessed to be able to take our lil family on a week long vacation to Paradise Hallow with Steve's parents and siblings. The cabin is in Lake Ann and is very close to Traverse City. We have been up there for the past two years and absolutely love it!  Eli had a blast chasing other kids around, looking at the fish we caught, running his little "pop corn popper" along the drive way for endless amounts of time, walking around the campground, taking his first paddle boat ride, walking around the city, and lastly, enjoying his first ever moomers ice-cream! It's hard to think this time next year we will have a 6 month old AND a 2 year old with us. AHHH! ;)

Anyone else going on (or have gone on) family vacations? If so, where? We love traveling and hearing about everyone's favorite destinations. :)

Hope everyone has a great summer and I hope to write a bit more now that Steve is home and we can do a few more family things on the weekends. :)


First paddle boat ride! He liked it despite the look on his face. ;)

Moomer's Ice-cream (our staple stop each year).

Indoor cabin fun while waiting for lunch to be ready. :) Normally Eli doesn't get a paci all day but the molar teething is a we gave in for the time being.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Clean Eating

Happy Monday, everyone! 

Today I'm trying a new recipe; BBQ chicken: Crock pot style. See recipe here. I made it early last week and froze it in two, one-gallon size zip lock bags. Unfortunately it doesn't all fit in my crock pot but I figure since I mixed it all up in a huge bowl before separating it into two batches, it should be fine cooking only one bag.  So far it smells amazing.
With just Steve and I eating it, these types of meals last us 4 or 5 days so it is as if I did the 'meal planning' for two weeks when I only made two meals. It feels good eating all these veggies. Steve and I are so picky and don't enjoy most raw veggies and so this is an amazingly yummy way of getting us both into better eating habits. I'll post again later after we have had dinner and let you all know how it turns out. :) 

On a different note, I'm working on another pinterest project.  I am working on a "sunburst mirror." I love the look of the cedar shims but am very tempted to paint it a fun color since my house is lacking variety in that field. Well, hope everyone is having a good Monday. I know that can be a hard thing to do. Mondays are usually pretty rough no matter what your job is. Press on and know that our strength is found in the Lord and His Spirit will strengthen us. Steve has class straight after work tonight so Eli doesn't get to see him today and I'm not going to see him until 11pm and then it's straight to bed for him. I'm praying the above today especially for him. <3 Blessings everyone!

Monday, January 14, 2013

MIA: Holiday Craziness

Sorry for the delay in updates. Here is review of what we've been up to.

October brought us fall weather, color tours, wine tasting, an 8 month old toothy baby, and Eli's first Halloween. :)

November brought us more fall weather, Eli's first Thanksgiving with my family, and Christmas decorations.

December brought us Christmas decorations, home projects, and Eli's first Christmas.

And January has brought us a new year, an 11 month old who is popping two top teeth through, an almost walker, and crafting craziness for me.

Now I'm planning for Eli's first birthday party and looking up info on plane trips with children. We are going to visit my Aunt Pat and her family and my grandma Gannon in Arizona mid February. I'm open to any and all travel tips! :)

Well, hope you enjoyed the catch up and that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years with friends and family.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Diet: Day 1

Well, I finally did it. I started my diet. For the sake of my pride I'm not posting my starting weight but will post my weekly pound loss.
So far, I have had one 8oz chocolate protein shake at 8:15am and 20oz of water. When doing this protein diet you don't drink anything 15min prior to a shake or meal and no water within 40min after shake or meal. For the first week I'm doing all liquid shakes, soups, water, mixed drinks (obviously not alcoholic), jello, and pudding. I'm looking forward to seeing how these next few days go.

In place of a craving, I'm going to read a passage of scripture and expound on it in a journal so I can meditate on what's important instead of my desire for food or relationships.
If I'm to improve on kicking this addiction to food and making it an idol in my life I need to be honest.
Here is an honest look at things in my life and how important they are to me. Please note that I realize Christ should be first but alas this is what it is, not what I hope for it to be in the future.
1) Food & Eli (in my mind they seem to run together)
2) Steve
3) God & my taking care of my home
4) Family
5) Friends
I pray that my priorities would change and that my idol of food and people would become smaller and eventually extinct as I grow closer to my Lord and place him first in my life.
I want my husband to come before Eli but after spending all my energy on him during the day and cleaning the house or entertaining him, it is easy to put Steve and his desires/needs on the back burner. I pray that God would help me to change my mindset on this and to help me keep Steve in focus at home and when he's at work.

If anyone has extra tips or pointers on anything regarding weight loss, portion control, exercising, or relationships in the home, feel free to comment! Also, I'd love to get some prayer requests so that while I'm fasting or just avoiding temptation in multiple forms, I can pray for you or loved ones.

Thanks to everyone praying for me and encouraging me along the way. It's greatly appreciated.