Monday, September 17, 2012

Diet: Day 1

Well, I finally did it. I started my diet. For the sake of my pride I'm not posting my starting weight but will post my weekly pound loss.
So far, I have had one 8oz chocolate protein shake at 8:15am and 20oz of water. When doing this protein diet you don't drink anything 15min prior to a shake or meal and no water within 40min after shake or meal. For the first week I'm doing all liquid shakes, soups, water, mixed drinks (obviously not alcoholic), jello, and pudding. I'm looking forward to seeing how these next few days go.

In place of a craving, I'm going to read a passage of scripture and expound on it in a journal so I can meditate on what's important instead of my desire for food or relationships.
If I'm to improve on kicking this addiction to food and making it an idol in my life I need to be honest.
Here is an honest look at things in my life and how important they are to me. Please note that I realize Christ should be first but alas this is what it is, not what I hope for it to be in the future.
1) Food & Eli (in my mind they seem to run together)
2) Steve
3) God & my taking care of my home
4) Family
5) Friends
I pray that my priorities would change and that my idol of food and people would become smaller and eventually extinct as I grow closer to my Lord and place him first in my life.
I want my husband to come before Eli but after spending all my energy on him during the day and cleaning the house or entertaining him, it is easy to put Steve and his desires/needs on the back burner. I pray that God would help me to change my mindset on this and to help me keep Steve in focus at home and when he's at work.

If anyone has extra tips or pointers on anything regarding weight loss, portion control, exercising, or relationships in the home, feel free to comment! Also, I'd love to get some prayer requests so that while I'm fasting or just avoiding temptation in multiple forms, I can pray for you or loved ones.

Thanks to everyone praying for me and encouraging me along the way. It's greatly appreciated.


  1. Oh, Kelly, I have been up and down this road so many times! I can finally say, after YEARS of struggling, that God has shown me what I needed to do to fix me. We should get together for a protein shake, or a walk. :-)

    1. Hilary, I'd love to do both of those with you! In box me a day/time that works for you! :)

  2. I don't know if you're friends with Allie June, but she has started a great weight loss journey blog called You should check it out. Maybe you guys could share ideas! Good Luck :)

    1. Hey, Nicole. :)
      I do follow Allie a little bit on her blog. It's nice to read what works for others and adapt it to my own plan!
