Sunday, March 16, 2014

3 Months

I can't believe how long it's been since I last updated. Sorry for the lag time!

Well, our newest member joined the family right before Christmas this past year!
Eden Louise Vruggink was born on Saturday, December 21, 2013 at 9:03 am. She weighed 9lbs, 4oz, and was 22inches long!

Eden was such an easy baby starting with the labor itself! Most of my friends and family know that Eli was a long and difficult labor and delivery. I was in the hospital Thursday night, Friday- day, and Friday night before I FINALLY had Eli at 4am Saturday morning.  Eden, however, was a completely opposite story. I had just been to a doctor appointment on Friday morning to go over post due date testing (I was due Dec. 16) and to fill out my induction paperwork. I was going to be induced on Sunday morning starting at 6am. My doctor asked if I wanted to know how dilated I was but I said no. I just didn't want to hear that I was still at a 1 or 2 like I had been for a month. I figured I was just going to have a similar birthing experience as before and I was trying not to think about that. So I had a MASSIVE last minute chore list for Steve and myself to do on Saturday. I knew we needed at least 2 or 3 loads of laundry done (by this point I was moving so slowly and just surviving my days with Eli and what little energy I could muster), bags needed to be packed (how did I forget these things??), and Eli needed a bath before we shipped him to the in-laws for the next few days. We decided a night in with some takeout Chinese and netflix binging was in order prior to tackling that insane work list I had made. We finally turned in for the night to our respective locations. I got the bed to myself for the last two weeks while Steve kindly took to the couch. I had taken some melatonin for my restless sleep issues and had finally gotten to sleep when 3 am rolled around. All of a sudden I felt like I had wet the bed!! OMG this is sooo embarrassing! I know I have weaker muscle control at this point, but come on!
I rolled out of bed and realized I couldn't control it. I knew right then that this was go time! lol I calmly (clumsily) rolled out of bed, waddled through our kitchen, and quietly called out to Steve so I wouldn't scare him. As he started to wake up I finally said, "Steve, I need you to focus really hard on what I'm about to say and you CANNOT go back to sleep. My water broke and we need your parents to pick Eli up ASAP. I'll let you process this for a second and come get you in a minute." Seriously...who talks like this?! I guess I do when I'm about to freak out but can't let my husband know or chaos will ensue! lol
I quickly hopped into the shower to rinse off and as I did, I noticed the first contractions starting up. My water broke right at 3am, first contractions started at 3:03, and were only 3 minutes apart when we finally got out the door at 3:45 (We had to wait a little until Steve's mom and dad could get Eli. They were here relatively quickly when you think about the fact that we woke them from a dead sleep at 3:15am! lol.)
Most people remember that we had a vicious ice/snow storm that weekend and my doctor told me Friday morning to call him if I went into labor and the roads were bad so he had time to get to the hospital. It's weird enough to call my doctor at home, but it's even more nerve wracking when it's 3:45 am and you're worried you'll get his wife! lol  Thankfully they are both wonderful people and she was sweet as could be and congratulated us in advance and handed the phone to my doctor. :)
When we finally got off the highway (it took forever going only 20mph), it was 5am and my contractions were 1.5-2 minutes apart. I was actually worried I would have Eden on the highway!
Once I was hooked up and they started pushing my fluids as quickly as possible, things only continued to quicken. I was measuring at a 9 before they got me an epidural. They weren't sure I'd make it long enough to get one. (I ensured them that I would keep her in there until I did! lol)
I got my epidural at about 7:30 am and when 9am rolled around, they told me to start pushing! It took one contraction and two pushes to birth my precious baby girl! It was one of the most amazing moments of my life!
We went home the next evening (I can't stand hospital beds; I felt less rested there than I did at home). We spent two nights resting with just Eden at home and enjoyed Christmas eve with Steve's family, and Christmas day with my family. What a blessing it was to have her naturally (minus the epidural right at the end) and to be able to enjoy Christmas with all of our loved ones like we had dreaded missing if I had been induced.
This was truly and experience that was an answer to my silent prayers during my pregnancy. I had fears of what this delivery would be like simply based off of what my experience with Eli had been. God is so good!
Sorry, I tend to get so excited when I recall that whole event. Sometimes I can't help retelling it in great detail! ;)
Now, Eden is 12+ lbs, and 22+ inches long as of her 2 month appointment on 2/24/14. :) She has the prettiest and largest eyes I've ever seen on a baby and her smile is perfect! She is a happy and loving baby. She loves the attention her big brother gives. He loves to dote on her . <3 Eli enjoys showing her off to people who are meeting her for the first time and calls her "my baby."
Eli has been so good with her and enjoys reclaiming his old toys...just to make sure she knows who had them first. ;)

Well, I hope everyone has survived this insane winter! I look forward to Spring and am praying for lots of sunshine!
God Bless,

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